Tuesday, June 10, 2008

iHaTe Be Cool!

I Just don't understand why ppl always say be cool...

Are they really trying to be cool...
Sometimes just because you like something which they think its not cool..
Ppl try to ignore you... Treat you like you're an alien..
But have they even ever think about themself??!!

What's the actual meaning of be cool...
And whats the purpose of being cool...
to become popular??!!

Can you imagine a bunch of idiot teenagers...
Wearing some old fashion..stupid clothes..
Asking ppl to be cool?! What the heck?!

Who do they think they are?!
The Beetles?!
I doubt that.. Anyone got convince... yucks...
Well... I personally... likes fashion..and knw it..
Just that i don apply it...
Bullshit... just because of that they think I'm not capable??!!

Haven't them heard of an idiom...
Don't judge a book by its cover...

Why do ppl always try to change their characteristics and personalities....
and so be cool...
yicks... this is so obnoxious...

Haven they knw that...
God created every single one of us with different characteristic and personalities....
and each are different... We're so apecial.. And what be cool..
Its no point..and totally meaningless...



DazQe Teen said...

I know wat u mean... some need popularity, but they hav lost their personalities bcoz of wan to be cool. So, they follow othera, thought this is cool... actually is suck!!! they depends on "cool" to make them ... walao... so they r consider as pity... haha! sometime being yourself is cool bcoz u r able to be u. i know it is not easy...